Singapore Prize for Sustainable Cities

The Sustainable Cities Prize System (SGPS) is an international award that recognizes cities and their leaders for visionary leadership, effective governance, and innovative solutions to urban issues. Hosted by Urban Redevelopment Authority and Centre for Liveable Cities, it seeks to recognize cities that have shown excellence in creating vibrant, sustainable, inclusive urban environments – past winners include Bilbao City Hall in Spain; New York City in America and Suzhou Jiangsu Province of China among many others. This year’s prize theme – Nature for Climate Action’ – highlights communities; indigenous peoples’ initiatives or civil society organisations around the globe that showcase how local actions can drive global impacts in real-term.

This prize stands as evidence for the belief that nations are more than physical or historical constructs – they’re also imagined realities that unite societies. At a time when there are ever increasing social and economic divides, this prize demonstrates its significance: by encouraging an imaginative collective experience rooted in history and values.

Winners not only receive a trophy and monetary prize but are also invited to participate in a prize workshop, providing them with a forum in which to share their insights with fellow participants as well as with members of the general public. In addition, winners have an opportunity to interact with government leaders as well as members of Singapore’s private sector regarding various issues regarding its future development.

Furthermore, they will have an opportunity to work closely with partners and stakeholders from both public and private sectors, such as academics, business leaders and civil society representatives – an integral component of this prize that will shape Singapore’s future.

The Urban Innovation Prize is open to anyone over 18 from any nation in the world with valid ID and bank accounts, who meet certain eligibility requirements. The winner will receive a cash prize of USD 100,000 as well as take part in a workshop to design an urban innovation project that addresses specific community challenges; their idea will then be pitched before a panel of judges for further consideration.

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